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Clif Bar Industrial Bakery

Project Profiles

Clif Bar Industrial Bakery

Learn more about our biophilic design work and services by emailing us at and reading our reports, 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design and The Economics of Biophilia. Follow the conversation on twitter: @TerrapinBG | #14Patterns.

Clif Bar - Stairs

Vegetation and local stone was integrated into the design. Photo courtesy of Clif Bar & Company

Clif Bar & Company, a maker of organic food and drinks has completed construction of an environmentally progressive bakery in Twin Falls, Idaho. The bakery is over over 300,000 sq. ft. located on a site that is 80 acres of land in an agricultural area on the outskirts of the city where farms and other food manufacturing facilities exist. While Clif Bar had already developed an architectural plan with LEED certification goals, sustainability and people’s well-being in mind, they asked Terrapin Bright Green to review the development plans through the lens of biophilia – likely one of the first companies to use this approach in food manufacturing. 


We wanted it to be a healthy, welcoming place for people to work—a workplace that sustains our people, the community and the planet.” – Clif Bar CEO Kevin Cleary

Using the 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design research as a framework, Terrapin analyzed the project’s site plan, landscape plan, architectural renderings, and construction drawings, while also taking into consideration the site’s geographical context to deliver a comprehensive biophilic design plan. The plan identified 30 external and internal biophilic interventions that have been implemented by the design team at little of no additional cost.

Clif Bar - Hallway

The corridors are lined with local stone and lit by natural light. Photo courtesy of Clif Bar & Company

Some of the interventions included increased access to natural light and exterior views, biomorphic art inside the bakery, use of native plants including restoration of pollinator habitat in the landscaping plans, especially along outdoor walking paths for employees, and the use of native stone and “connections to place” in the office area. A packaging area without exterior windows offers wall-projected images of the natural outdoors that rotate daily. These biophilic interventions helped enhance the ability of the Clif Bar & Company design team to create beautiful, restorative environments that will connect employees and visitors to the gorgeous Idaho landscape while also creating a work environment that reduces stress and increases the ability to concentrate.

*Feature and Header image courtesy of Clif Bar & Company

Jonce is an urban planner and sustainability professional creating solutions using cues from nature.