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Springer Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology

Sustainability in the Built Environment: Biophilic Design


The Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology (ESST), including a chapter on Biophilic Design by Bill Browning and Catie Ryan, addresses the grand challenge for science and engineering today. The Encyclopedia provides unprecedented, peer-reviewed coverage of sustainability science and technology with contributions from nearly 1,000 of the world’s leading scientists and engineers, who write on more than 600 separate topics in 42 sections. ESST establishes a foundation for the many sustainability and policy evaluations being performed in institutions worldwide.

An indispensable resource for scientists and engineers in developing new technologies and for applying existing technologies to sustainability, the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology is presented at the university and professional level needed for scientists, engineers, and their students to support real progress in sustainability science and technology.

Although the emphasis is on science and technology rather than policy, the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology is also a comprehensive and authoritative resource for policy makers who want to understand the scope of research and development and how these bottom-up innovations map on to the sustainability challenge.

Check with your affiliated university or library for access to the encyclopedia.

Chapter Topics


Defining Nature

Framework Methodology

Design Patterns and Implementation

Conceptual Issues for the Application of Biophilic Design

Future Directions


Ryan C.O., Browning W.D. (2018) Biophilic Design. In: Meyers R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, New York, NY


Chapter Authors

Catie Ryan
Director of Projects, Terrapin Bright Green

Bill Browning
Partner, Terrapin Bright Green





Springer Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology

Sustainability in the Built Environment: Biophilic Design

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