Terrapin Releases 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design
Allison Bernett
Learn more about our biophilic design work and services by emailing us at [email protected] and reading our reports, 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design and The Economics of Biophilia. Follow the conversation on twitter: @TerrapinBG | #14Patterns.
Recall your favorite place – a scene where you felt rejuvenated, invigorated and centered. Most likely, you’re picturing a place in nature. This positive, visceral response to nature is central to the concept of biophilia, or humanity’s need to connect with nature. Now imagine if the spaces you occupy regularly – your office, your community center, your home – could make you feel similarly to the way your favorite place does, what would be required to transform them?
This is exactly the question that Terrapin tackles in our latest publication, 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design: Improving Health and Well-Being in the Built Environment. Building on our previous publication, The Economics of Biophilia, this paper reaffirms the importance of biophilia to our health and well-being. New research in psychology and neuroscience supports measurable, positive impacts of biophilic design on health, strengthening the empirical evidence for the human-nature connection and raising its priority level within both design research and design practice; however, little guidance for implementation exists.
For this paper, over 500 publications on biophilic responses have been mined to uncover patterns useful to designers of the built environment. These 14 patterns have a wide range of application for both interior and exterior environments, and are meant to be flexible and adaptive, allowing for project-appropriate implementation. Each pattern is known, suggested or theorized to mitigate common stressors or enhance desirable qualities that can be applied across various sectors and scales. Ultimately, these 14 patterns give us the tools to create beautiful, restorative environments that connect us to nature.
Visit our publications page to access 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design today!
*Header image copyright of Hubert J. Steed.
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Allison Bernett
Allison Bernett is an associate project manager and the public relations coordinator for Terrapin Bright Green. She graduated summa cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis with a double major in architecture and biology. Allison’s interests focus on architecture, sustainability, and bioinspired innovation.
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